Is There Anything To Do Here??

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Video Store Ambush

It was my understanding that random dotcom swag give always were a thing of bubble past. Five swag throwers cornered me at my local video store. Now I under stand that the super blow is in town but this just hasn’t happen to me in almost a decade. WOW that scary to think but true. Free T-shirt’s and CD’s are always welcome. For the effort I took a serf over to their web site. Uuhh…where?

Normally I don’t remark about web sites but dam it took me nearly three minutes of staring at the screen and mouse waving to figure out where the navigation links were. I am still looking for the slightest bit of value to their site. Maybe it exists? I just refuse to give out my e-mail address and personal info to random sites for “free downloads. As my customers and I have been burned way to many times. Still I would like to hear your thoughts. Check out there site and tell if I am being too critical.

Posted by jaxnight :: 1:30 AM :: 0 Comments:

